SUSENJI 减脂配套【店主实测效果】针对全身减脂|减重|局部瘦身|水肿
- Regular price
- RM 955.20
- Sale price
- RM 955.20
- Regular price
RM 1,194.00
店主本人亲身瘦下13KG 減脂法
SET A: 減重高手 排减燃
全身减重 减轻体重 【掉秤巨快!】
30天份量:2 SHAKE + 2OLLIE + 2 MOFA
- 早餐喝杯 养胃代餐SHAKE
- 修复胃黏膜& 改善胃痛 消化不良
- 身体可以吸收好营养 加强代谢
- 一杯140kcal 超低卡 轻松做到S管理
- 每包蛋白质含量 = 2 颗鸡蛋🥚
- 餐前来包OLLIE 减脂食品
- 降低 糖 油 淀粉 一半的热量!
- 转脂为能 身体自动 RUN 脂🔥
- 不会抑制食欲 不会lao sai / 心跳加快
- 睡前喝杯MOFA+ 排DU 清热
- 温和带走体内残渣宿便
- 避免累积毒素 影响代谢
- 提高免疫力 还能降热气!
SET B: 水腫星人【养出易瘦体质&消水肿】
適合人群:水腫人群,下半身難瘦 梨型身材,提高代謝 養成易瘦體質
30天份量:2 DEPUFF + 2OLLIE + 2 MOFA
- 餐前来包OLLIE 减脂食品
- 降低 糖 油 淀粉 一半的热量!
- 转脂为能 身体自动 RUN 脂🔥
- 不会抑制食欲 不会lao sai / 心跳加快
- 餐后一颗DEPUFF
- 全身消水肿 排钠排油,
- 补充蛋白 让肌肤恢复弹性
- 不会恶性niao频上厕所
- 睡前喝杯MOFA+ 排DU 清热
- 温和带走体内残渣宿便
- 避免累积毒素 影响代谢
- 提高免疫力 还能降热气!
SET C : 吃貨減脂法 邊吃邊瘦【主打全身減脂】
30天份量:4 OLLIE + 2 MOFA
- 餐前来包OLLIE 减脂食品
- 降低 糖 油 淀粉 一半的热量!
- 转脂为能 身体自动 RUN 脂🔥
- 不会抑制食欲 不会lao sai / 心跳加快
- 睡前喝杯MOFA+ 排DU 清热
- 温和带走体内残渣宿便
- 避免累积毒素 影响代谢
- 提高免疫力 还能降热气!
SET D: 局部燃脂【瘦大腿 瘦手臂 瘦雙下巴 瘦副乳 瘦腰圍小肚】
适合人群: 时常运动,针对性瘦局部
- 外用燃脂LOTION
- 分解顽固脂肪
- 解决橘皮纹&蜂窝组织
- 添加5种保湿因子,保湿肌肤
- 紧致肌肤, 瘦了皮肤不会松垮垮
- 坚持1星期时间 可达到厘米级效果
🌳 拥有多项安全认证& 奖项见证
🏆 所有产品拥有HALAL认证
🏆 荣获马来西亚纪录大全 Malaysia Book of Records 创下新纪录: 每1分钟售出2盒记录!🏆 全东南亚专利成份唯一使用权!
🏆 百万保险保障
#現在下單6送2! 送新口味LEMON MOFA & OLLIE!
#限量送完為止 #先到先得!
店主还送你独家吃法 + 私人定制减脂计划
希望能帮助更多的你在过年🧨前 S下来啦!
Owner's Personal Experience: Shedding 13KG Fat Loss Method
SET A: Weight Loss Expert Combo - Fat Burning and Detoxification
Achieve Full Body Weight Loss and Shed Those Pounds Quickly!
Ideal for: Those seeking short-term weight loss, lacking exercise habits, aiming for a leaner physique, and wanting weight control.
30-day supply: 2 SHAKE + 2 OLLIE + 2 MOFA
1. Start your day with a glass of Stomach-Nourishing Meal Replacement Shake:
- Repairs gastric mucosa & improves digestion.
- Nutrient absorption for enhanced metabolism.
- Only 140 kcal per serving, super low calorie for easy weight management.
- Protein content equivalent to 2 eggs 🥚.
2. Take a sachet of OLLIE before meals:
- Reduces sugar, oil, and starch intake by half!
- Converts fat into energy, facilitating fat burning.
- No appetite suppression, diarrhea, or increased heart rate.
3. Enjoy a cup of MOFA+ before bedtime:
- Gently eliminates residual waste in the body.
- Prevents toxin accumulation, boosting metabolism.
- Enhances immunity and reduces body heat.
SET B: Anti-Edema Combo - Cultivate an Easy-to-Slim Physique & Reduce Edema
Ideal for: Individuals prone to edema, especially in the lower body, with a pear-shaped figure, aiming to boost metabolism and develop a lean physique.
30-day supply: 2 DEPUFF + 2 OLLIE + 2 MOFA
1. Start your meal with a sachet of OLLIE:
- Reduces sugar, oil, and starch intake by half!
- Converts fat into energy, facilitating fat burning.
- No appetite suppression, diarrhea, or increased heart rate.
2. Take a DEPUFF capsule after meals:
- Reduces overall body edema and eliminates sodium and oil.
- Supplements protein for skin elasticity.
- No frequent trips to the restroom.
3. Enjoy a cup of MOFA+ before bedtime:
- Gently eliminates residual waste in the body.
- Prevents toxin accumulation, boosting metabolism.
- Enhances immunity and reduces body heat.
SET C: Foodie Fat Loss Method - Slim Down While Enjoying Food
Ideal for: Food lovers, dessert enthusiasts, those with a high starch diet, and frequent socializers.
30-day supply: 4 OLLIE + 2 MOFA
1. Start your meal with a sachet of OLLIE:
- Reduces sugar, oil, and starch intake by half!
- Converts fat into energy, facilitating fat burning.
- No appetite suppression, diarrhea, or increased heart rate.
2. Enjoy a cup of MOFA+ before bedtime:
- Gently eliminates residual waste in the body.
- Prevents toxin accumulation, boosting metabolism.
- Enhances immunity and reduces body heat.
SET D: Spot Fat Reduction - Slimming Thighs, Arms, Double Chin, Love Handles, and Waist
Ideal for: Those who exercise regularly and target specific areas for slimming.
1. Apply Fat-Burning Lotion:
- Breaks down stubborn fat.
- Addresses cellulite and firming.
- Enriched with 5 moisturizing factors to keep skin hydrated.
- Tightens skin, preventing sagging.
- Visible results within a week.
🌳 Certified with multiple safety certifications and awards.
🏆 HALAL certification for all products.
🏆 Recognized in the Malaysia Book of Records for selling 2 boxes every minute!
🏆 Exclusive rights to patented ingredients in Southeast Asia!
🏆 OLEAVITA ingredient won the Nutra Ingredients Asia Award for weight management.
🏆 Million-dollar insurance coverage.
#Order now and get 6 for the price of 2! Receive new flavor Lemon MOFA & OLLIE!
#Limited quantity, first come, first served!
#Prices revert to original after selling out! #Free shipping nationwide!
Owner also provides exclusive consumption methods + personalized fat loss plans.
Hope to help more of you achieve your goals before the Lunar New Year!
Purchase: Buy 6, Get 2 Free!